Former Best Student Paper Award Winners

Past Technology Paper Winners


Recipient: Gan Liu

Paper Title: Unveiling the Impact of AC PBTI on Hydrogen Formation in Oxide Semiconductor Transistors
Authors: Gan Liu1, Qiwen Kong1, Zuopu Zhou1, Ying Xu1, Chen Sun1, Kaizhen Han1, Yuye Kang1, Dong Zhang1, Xiaolin Wang1, Yang Feng1, Wei Shi1, Bich-Yen Nguyen2, Kai Ni3, GengChiau Liang1,4, Xiao Gong1
Affiliation: 1 National University of Singapore, 2 Soitec, 3 University of Notre Dame, 4 Industry Academia Innovation School, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University


Recipient: A.C. Yu

Paper Title:Foundry Monolithic 3D BEOL Transistor + Memory Stack : Iso-performance and Iso-footprint BEOL Carbon Nanotube FET+RRAM vs. FEOL Silicon FET+RRAMAuthors / Affiliations: T. Srimani*,1, A. C. Yu*,2, R. M. Radway*,1, D. T. Rich1, M. Nelson3, S. Wong1, D. Murphy4, S. Fuller4, G. Hills2,5, S. Mitra1, M. M. Shulaker2,4

*Equal Contribution;1Stanford University, CA, USA; 2MIT, MA, USA; 3SkyWater Technology Foundry, MN, USA; 4Analog Devices, Inc., MA, USA; 5Harvard University, MA, USA


Recipient: Asir Intisar Khan

Paper: First Demonstration of Ge2Sb2Te5-Based Superlattice Phase Change Memory with Low Reset Current Density(~3 MA/cm²) and Low Resistance Drift (~0.002 at 105℃)

Authors: Asir Intisar Khan*, Christopher Perez*, Xiangjin Wu*, Byoungjun Won**, Kangsik Kim***, Heungdong Kwon*, Pranav Ramesh*, Kathryn M. Neilson*, Mehdi Asheghi*, Krishna Saraswat*, Zonghoon Lee***, Il-Kwon Oh**, H.-S. Philip Wong*, Kenneth E. Goodson*, Eric Pop*

Affiliation: *Stanford University, Stanford, USA, **Ajou University, South Korea, ***Ulsan National Institute of Science & Tech., South Korea


Recipient: Kaizhen Han

Paper: First Demonstration of Oxide Semiconductor Nanowire Transistors: a Novel Digital Etch Technique, IGZO Channel, Nanowire Width Down to ~20 nm, and Ion Exceeding 1300μA/μm

Authors: K. Han, Q. Kong, Y. Kang, C. Sun, C. Wang, J. Zhang, H. Xu, S.Samanta, J. Zhou, H. Wang, V.-Y. Thean and X. Gong

Affiliation: National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore


Recipient: Wriddhi Chakraborty

Paper: BEOL Compatible Dual-Gate Ultra Thin-Body W-Doped Indium-Oxide Transistor with Ion = 370 μA/um, SS = 73 mV/dec and Ion/Ioff ratio > 4x109

Authors: W. Chakarborty*, B. Grisafe*, H. Ye*, I. Lightcap*, K. Ni** and S. Datta*

Affiliation: *University of Notre Dame and **Rochester Institute of Technology, USA


Recipient: Stefano Bianchi

Paper: Energy-Efficient Continual Learning in Hybrid Supervised-Unsupervised Neural Networks with PCM Synapses

Authors: S. Bianchi*, I. Muñoz-Martin*, G. Pedretti*, O. Melnic*, S. Ambrogio** and D. Ielmini*

Affiliation: *Politecnico di Milano, Italy and **IBM Research, USA


Recipient: Naga Sruti Avasarala

Paper: Half-threshold bias Ioff reduction down to nA range of thermally and electrically stable high-performance integrated OTS selector, obtained by Se enrichment and N-doping of thin GeSe layers

Authors: N. Avasarala, G.L. Donadio, T. Witters, K. Opsomer, B. Govoreanu, A. Fantini, S. Clima, H. Oh, S. Kundu, W. Devulder, M.H. van der Veen, J. Van Houdt, M. Heyns, L. Goux and G. S. Kar

Affiliation: imec and KU Leuven, Belgium


Recipient: Dian Lei

Paper:The First GeSn FinFET on a Novel GeSnOI Substrate Achieving Lowest S of 79 mV/decade and Record High Gm,int of 807 μS/μm for GeSn P-FETs

Authors: Dian Lei1, Kwang Hong Lee2, Shuyu Bao2,3, Wei Wang1, Saeid Masudy-Panah1, Sachin Yadav1, Annie Kumar1, Yuan Dong1, Yuye Kang1, Shengqiang Xu1, Ying Wu1, Yi-Chiau Huang4, Hua Chung4, Schubert S. Chu4, Satheesh Kuppurao4, Chuan Seng Tan2,3, Xiao Gong1 and Yee-Chia Yeo1

Affiliation: 1National University of Singapore, 2Singapore MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, 3Nanyang Technological University, 4Applied Materials


Recipient: Lukas Czornomaz

Paper:First Demonstration of InGaAs/SiGe CMOS Inverters and Dense SRAM Arrays on Si Using Selective Epitaxy and Standard FEOL Processes

Authors: L. Czornomaz, V. Djara, V. Deshpande, E. O’Connor, M. Sousa, D. Caimi, K. Cheng*, J. Fompeyrine

Affiliation: IBM Research GmbH Zürich Laboratory, *IBM Research


Recipient: Cimang Lu

Paper:Design and Demonstration of Reliability-Aware Ge Gate Stacks with 0.5 nm EOT

Authors: Cimang Lu, Choong Hyun Lee, Tomonori Nishimura and Akira Toriumi

Affiliation:The University of Tokyo, JST-CREST


Recipient: Heng Wu

Paper: Ge CMOS: Breakthroughs of nFETs ( Imax= 714 mA/mm, gmax= 590 mS/mm) by Recessed Channel and S/D

Authors: Heng Wu, Mengwei Si, Lin Dong, Jingyun Zhang, Peide Ye

Affiliation: Purdue University


Recipient: ChoongHyun Lee

Paper: Enhancement of High-Ns Electron Mobility in Sub-nm EOT Ge n-MOSFETs

Authors: ChoongHyun Lee, Cimang Lu, Toshiyuki Tabata, Tomonori Nishimura, Kosuke Nagashio, and Akira Toriumi

Affiliation: The University of Tokyo


Recipient: Rui Zhang

Paper: High Mobility Ge pMOSFETs with 0.7 nm Ultrathin EOT using HfO2/Al2O3/GeOx/Ge Gate Stacks Fabricated by Plasma Post Oxidation

Authors: Rui Zhang, Po-Chin Huang, Noriyuki Taoka, Mitsuru Takenaka and Shinichi Takagi

Affiliation: The University of Tokyo


Recipient: Jiale Liang

Paper: A 1.4μA Reset Current Phase Change Memory Cell with Integrated Carbon Nanotube Electrodes for Cross-Point Memory Application

Authors: Jiale Liang, Rakesh Gnana David Jeyasingh, Hong-Yu Chen, and H. -S. Philip Wong

Affiliation: Stanford University


Recipient: Laurent Brunet

Paper: New Insight on VT stability of HK/MG stacks with scaling in 30nm FDSOI technology

Authors: Laurent. Brunet*+, X. Garros, M. Cassé, O. Weber, F. Andrieu, C. Fenouillet-Béranger, P. Perreau, F. Martin, M. Charbonnier, D. Lafond, C. Gaumer*, S. Lhostis*, V. Vidal, L. Brévard, L. Tosti, S. Denorme*, S. Barnola, J.F. Damlencourt, V. Loup, G. Reimbold, F. Boulanger, O. Faynot, A. Bravaix

Affiliation: 1CEA-LETI, * STMicroelectronics, +IM2NP


Recipient: Gregory Bidal

Paper: High velocity Si-nanodot: a candidate for SRAM applications at 16nm node and below

Authors: Gregory Bidal1,2, Frederic Boeuf1, Stephane Denorme1, Nicolas Loubet1, Jean Luc Huguenin1,2, Pierre Perreau3, Dominique Fleury1,2, François Leverd1, Sebastien Lagrasta1, Sebastien Barnola3, Thierry Salvetat3, Bastien Orlando1, Remi Beneyton1, Laurent Clement1, Roland Pantel1, Stephane Monfray1, Gerard Ghibaudo2 and Thomas Skotnicki1

Affiliation: 1STMicroelectronics, 2IMEP, Minatec INPG, 3CEA-LETI/Minatec


Recipient: Nishant Patil and Albert Lin

Paper: Integrated Wafer-Scale Growth and Transfer of Directional Carbon Nanotubes and Misaligned-Carbon-Nanotube-Immune Logic Structures

Authors: Nishant Patil, Albert Lin, Edward R. Myers, H.-S. Philip Wong, and Subhasish Mitra

Affiliation: Stanford University


Recipient: Mohan V. Dunga

Paper: BSIM-MG: A Versatile Multi-Gate FET Model for Mixed-Signal Design

Authors: Mohan V. Dunga1, Chung-Hsun Lin1, Darsen D. Lu1, Weize Xiong2, C. R. Cleavelin2, P. Patruno3, Jiunn-Ren Hwang4, Fu-Liang Yang4, Ali M. Niknejad1 and Chenming Hu1

Affiliation: 1University of California, Berkeley, 2Texas Instruments Inc., 3SOITECH, 4Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC)


Recipient: Hyunjin Lee

Paper: Sub-5nm All-Around Gate FinFET for Ultimate Scaling

Authors: Hyunjin Lee, Lee-Eun Yu, Seong-Wan Ryu, Jin-Woo Han, Kanghoon Jeon, Dong-Yoon Jang, Kuk-Hwan Kim, Jiye Lee, Ju-Hyun Kim, Sang Cheol Jeon*, Gi Seong Lee*, Jae Sub Oh*, Yun Chang Park*, Woo Ho Bae*, Hee Mok Lee*, Jun Mo Yang*, Jung Jae Yoo*, Sang Ik Kim* and Yang-Kyu Choi

Affiliation: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, *Korean National Nanofab Center


Recipient: Chien-Tai Chan

Paper: Investigation of Post-NBTI Stress Recovery in pMOSFETs by Direct Measurement of Single Oxide Charge De-Trapping

Authors: Chien-Tai Chan, Huan-Chi Ma, Chun-Jung Tang and Tahui Wang

Affiliation: National Chiao-Tung University


Recipient: Sunjung Kim

Paper: Engineering of Voltage Nonlinearity in High-K MIM Capacitor for Analog/Mixed-Signal ICs

Authors: Sunjung Kim1, Byung Jin Cho1, Ming-Fu li1,2, Shi-Jin Ding1, Ming Bin Yu2, Chunxiang Zhu1, Albert Chin3, and Dim-Lee Kwong4

Affiliation: 1National University of Singapore, 2Institute of Microelectronics (IME), Singapore, 3National Chiao Tung University, 4University of Texas, Austin